Friday, December 13, 2013

TRI-CHEM ISN'T DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure many of you remember getting those sweaters or tee-shirts your mom painted ("liquid-embroidery" she called it, at the time)...perfect candidates for those ugly sweater parties that are making the come back now days.

Well guess what? There are a lot of things that are making a come-back now-days, including fabric painting, liquid-embroidery - or as it was properly known - "Tri-Chem / TriChem / Artex" depending on the year she started attending the home parties.  You probably won't believe this, but Trichem the company is still around, home parties are still around, and instructors are still around - there are just fewer of us...

What's NOT around, is information and history about Tri-Chem. So this blog is going to be dedicated to my researching and information gathering about Tri-Chem's past. If any of you who read this have had a history with Tri-Chem and have information to contribute, PLEASE!!!!!! toss it my way... we don't want it to become lost forever - and it will be if no one is around to capture it somewhere! :-)

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